Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012


... I'm not a Robot. [much to the chagrin of my employers]

I don't think that I could even reasonably be called a "Sex Machine". I have been accused of being many things for not fitting some arbitrary standard dictionary definition, but this is the first time anyone [read: "Google"] has ventured that I might be a machine.

Me ... A long Time Ago. Looks like I'm standing in front of an immense piercing needle.

I'm not independently wealthy, so I'm not able to publish at a leisurely  pace whenever I feel like it, I have to do it when I can fit it in [no pun intended] - this sometimes leads me to schedule many things far in advance.

This in turn, leads the robots at Google to conclude that they can detect the odor of ozone, solder and hydraulic fluids of one of their own. They actually broke in on my session to ask me to prove that I wasn't a robot. Three Times ... Just a guy, really. I guess the lesson here is: Don't try to be too efficient or you may find yourself wiped from the Collective

Android? Maybe. Robot? ... no.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

To a Longer Life

Recent studies have linked reduced stress, lower incidents of prostate cancer and the regular release of endorphins resulting in an increased sense of well being to the time-honored tradition of "Bone Honing".

"Eros" means: "I love Me"

SpaceTime Manipulation

Toes in the Cosmic Tide