Social - Media

Seems like everything that we do has to be "logged" in one way or another. As much as I love my friends and the people I met along the way - It now seems that the "way" increasingly requires me to choose between more social obligations than is actually psychically possible; for me. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own birthday ... the things that I would love to do can be overridden by the things that I must do in order to keep myself in clean socks and sleeping indoors. This is a serious broadband apology to my friends and others for missing many events of late; Honestly, I've never been one to respond to every slight variation in the social continuum and I can't really keep up. Thirteen years ago [ ! ] I wrote about the "New Millennium" and how it was all going to get faster from here [ 2000 ] on out. I'm all for quicker information, in fact, I want my info to come to me faster, I want my computer to calculate faster so that my GUI's are smoother, I want my camera to handle bigger files [ I just don't want it to do it in a phone ] but, I'm not exactly sure that I need to run around texting my friends that I just arrived at Stavros' Bar or QFC or I'm on my way my second of three jobs while downing a cup of burnt coffee because I'm out of energy drinks - I'm pretty sure I can have fast info without me being plugged into it every hour of every day of every month.
